Agility training always so best! Have started with the weekly classes
again, in which can do many jumps and teeters and a-frames and dog walks
and tunnels! When Jacinta make mistake, turn around and yell, "You bad
sidekick! You so bad at Agility! Please to be not doing wrong thing
ever again!" Is so frenziful. At end of run, get stringed cheese and
for to play with tug rope.

At home, training does not stop. Have begun for to practice weave
sticks again and are doing so well. Now have another set lined up, for
to have 6 sticks for to run through. Obsverve! Only do not take too
much notice of spin at end, where knock over pole. Is wrong for to do
but is sidekick's fault. Am so excited for to get reward and cannot
wait for it!
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