Must work on training the chauffeur/sidekick not to call Mister Squiggles in front of general populus. To that aim, am attempting to bite her toes whenever she uses secret title. Must use Vertigo.
Chauffeur/sidekick has suggested wear a collar to keep secret identity, well, secret. Nobody can recognize with black collar on! Feel like Peter Parker. Am itchy though. Can see collar on left.
Being a superhero is hard work! Today, kept yard safe from large leaves. Patrolled neighbourhood and began working on public relations. People think am just a cute puppy. They don't know.
Have been teaching chauffeur/sidekick when to feed. She has a fun noise toy and just need to get her to click it for her to feed. Was easy. Figured out just to sit. Then followed her around asking her to feed. She lost interest in the game and put fun noise toy away. Was st
Allowed c/s to sleep with last night. She didn't know would let her sleep with, so had to tell her by whining, then she let up on the bed. Just for the night. Know she was nervous about having a superdog in the house. Tonight will sleep alone in lair, as prefer. Already showed her how to sleep by herself, when took a nap earlier today. She didn't take me out of lair, just left to chew bone. Progress. Need plenty of sleep. Superdog work is difficult. Picture of secret-super-awesome lair to right.
Chewed on plant, felt cool on gums. c/s told to "stop, what if it's poisonous?" Kept chewing. Am a superdog. Poison does not affect. Win.
Saw strange thing in living room. Is funny dog living in wall. Tried to get it out, barked at it to 'come with!' and tried to dig a hole to get it out. Could not get it. Will have to leave it in there.
Also, a crazy thing, a stick with straw, came and tried to eat crumbs from bone. Was angry. Those were crumbs from bone for to eat. But crazy thing ate them. Tried to bite crazy thing but it jumped in the air when came over. Eventually went and laid down and watched it. Am still angry.
Practiced calisthenics in the afternoon. Must keep in tip-top shape. Caught tail, which is an important skill. Was pleased. Practiced army rolls for dodging bullets. Also worked with rope to build neck strength. Will come in handy when have to pull c/s to a mission when am on leash and collar. But for now, will walk nicely on leash. Wanted to go teach yap-dog a thing or two but c/s was right: "must not blow cover."
C/s is attempting to control a few very annoying things. First, she will not let in kitchen. This is very bad of her because she needs constant protection. Must stay within 6 feet of her at all times. Second, she is trying to make ride in back of car. Am superhero, you know? Is wrong to make ride in back. Tried to tell her so, want to ride in front seat. She will have none of it. At least on the back seat instead of in way back? She says no. Will hopefully convince her soon.
Dreamed many times today about family. Dreamed of mum feeding, and dreamed of chasing with siblings. Think tail wagged lots. But am grown up dog now, with job to do. Must leave past in past and focus on the mission ahead.
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