Thursday, July 12, 2012

Nutting with the Sunny Puppy!

Time for to be a nut on Deer Trap Mesa!  And maybe will even trap some deers!

 Run, you golden dogs!

 This is Jacinta's most favourite picture of Sunny.

 Sister Cookie looks down the canyon

 "Oh?  Is camera?  Is time for to stand and pose!"

 Beautiful New Townsville.  Not as good as Townsville, but getting ok.

Is important for all the dogs for to look over the edge.  Obviously.

And also Sunny goes down the hill!  Hopefully video will rotate soon but if is not right, please to be pressing Ctrl+Alt+Right to view and Ctrl+Alt+Up to go back!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, that looked like a fun walk with friends.


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